Stay up to speed by staying connected

Right now, membership means more.  As the state continues to recover, your FAD membership has never been more important to stay connected to community peers and important resources.

FAD Membership provides valuable resources and innovative ideas for growing our community in Florida.

Join or renew your membership and stay connected.

Explore the many benefits of membership.

Education & Research


Public Affairs & Advocacy

Health Safety

Valuable Connections

FAD Expos

FAD offers a variety of Membership options, find the best fit for you. Contact us to learn more.


$ 10 Year
  • FAD Membership Card for 1 Year
  • FAD E-Zine Subscription
  • Voting Privileges
  • Discount to Workshop / Special Event / Conference
  • Participate on Committees
  • Advocacy and/or Referral Services

Affiliated Organization

$ 100 Year
  • Up to two (2) voting representatives for each membership-based affiliated organization.
  • FAD E-Zine Subscription
  • Website Listing as Affiliated organization with web link.
  • Opportunity to post 1 article/month on FAD website
  • Involvement in FAD advocacy efforts